50/50 Education Strategy
The 50/50 Education Strategy combines the age of self-teaching and institutional learning with the apprenticeship model of old. These learning techniques together can exponentially increase your human capital. Putting together the extensive knowledge at your fingertips, made possible by the internet, and people-to-people to interaction is a key ingredient in the secret sauce to Create Your Own System (CYOS).
People Interaction
With the digital age among us, the lost art is the ability to observe reality. Living in the physical realm and extending our interaction beyond online profiles opens up a neglected source to increase your human capital. In the social media world, where no one is listening, and everyone is talking, those who know how and what to listen to can be rewarded handsomely.
The surprise to most, who try this method, is the willingness of those who have the knowledge to freely give this information and themselves. Those willing to share their expertise receive the satisfaction of helping another and an opportunity to be heard. The People Interaction methodology can be utilized for both professional and personal endeavors.
Operational Steps
Step 1 – When you have a career goal, a project, or a goal to reach the first step in the people interaction is to seek out those individuals who have accomplished what you want to achieve. Use your social network or your personal network to your advantage to find these individuals.
Step 2 – List out all the people you know or are connected to who have accomplished the goal you want to achieve.
Step 3 – Ask a handful of your knowledgeable and well-connected friends and associates if they know anyone who has achieved the goal that you want to accomplish. Add these to the list you have created
Step 4- Research these individuals and learn who they are and what they have done in their past. This will do three things. First, it will give you an understanding of what the person had to do to achieve the target goal. This will let you know if the goal you are trying to achieve is still worth the required work. Secondly, it will give you something to talk about when you connect with your target individual. Thirdly, taking the time to research someone shows how serious you are about the person being interviewed.
With this knowledge, you can create a questionnaire for each candidate based on their background. A benefit of gaining this information about your target person is you can see the similarities of those who have achieved the goal you wish to achieve. If you find similarities perform more research to see why the similarities maybe so.
Step 5 – Use multiple means to reach out to your target persons. There is still no replacement for a basic phone call or an email. If you take these traditional paths, many will respect the courage it takes to take the risk of rejection using these mediums.
If the phone or an email is not the best option, you can also leverage social media. Use as many platforms as you can at your disposal, whether it is LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and/or others. There is also a lot to be said about asking someone already in your network to provide a warm introduction.
Step 6 – Set a time to connect. Try to be as flexible as possible. This may require that you be open to paying for meal or coffee.
Step 7 – Based on your prepared questionnaire document the answers the target person will provide during the meeting. Before the meeting ends, try to ask these questions:
Based on my goals do you recommend anyone else for me to speak to?
What should be my next steps to achieve my goals?
Do you mind if I contact you if I have further questions? What is the best way to reach back out to you?
If they agree, what frequency and way they are comfortable interacting.
If you feel the meeting was well, you can also ask what type of assistance can you provide me with to reach my goal.
What books do you recommend I read?
What education or certifications do I need to be a practitioner?
Step 8 – Keep a log of the answers and your target individuals.
Step 9 – Consolidate these answers and the continual advice from these target individuals to create a plan for self-learning and formal education.
Randall Avery
Financial Advisor │ Author │ Public Speaker
R.S.A. Deasil Advisors, LLC
Office: 531-333-2745
Email: Deasil@rsadeasil.com
Website: www.rsadeasil.com
P.S. If you would like me to speak at your next event, please click HERE
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While working with clients, Randall realized there was a missing process that individuals were not performing when choosing to use their money. Motivated to fill this gap, Randall developed three models to ‘Hack The System’ and allow individuals to Create Your Own System (CYOS). Randall hopes effectively using these models will help individuals identify the best moral and ethical use of their money.
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