6 Steps to Consider Before You Give
Below you will find a list of things you should consider before giving to a charitable organization. You will find giving is at the heart of Creating Your Own System.
Step 1 – Passion
What you give is an extension of yourself. Identify a cause that is important to you. When you invest in something you care about, like you do when you give, it should improve the outlook on the world. Do not give money to just any organization that sends you donation requests. Make sure your money goes to is something you genuinely believe will make a difference.
Step 2 – Research the organization’s accomplishments.
Being proactive giver results in doing a bit of research into the charities you are passionate about. Understanding the impact of the target firm is an excellent test to see if that organization would be a good investment.
Use resources like Charity Navigator to assess the charity’s financial health, mission, governance, and transparency. Also, take time to review the website of your target organization. The goal is to donate to organizations that have a clear mission and goals you can get behind.
Step 3 – Create a Financial Partnership
When you give to a charitable organization, you should see yourself as a partner. A partner is always looking for a return on their investment. Your return is the lives that are being positively impacted by the organizations you chose to give to. Begin to develop relationships with these organizations. Create a cycle of support; you support them while they are supporting your passions.
Step4 – Location Matters
Always consider of your local organizations before you focus on the already well-funded national brands. “Charity begins at home”. This way when your target organization makes an impact you can directly observe the change they make in your community. You know the gaps in your community so you are better suited to fund efforts that will make the biggest difference.
Step 5 – Make Sure it is Legitimate
Once you’ve found an organization you wish to support, verify that it’s legitimate. Validate the organizations mailing address and phone number. Confirm the organization’s tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status. When you make your donations make sure you get a receipt from the charity, complete with its Tax ID number so that you can deduct your donation on your tax return.
Step 6 – Give only what you can
Only those who have can help those who have not financially. Do not put your financial situation in jeopardy just because you feel sympathy for a cause that you are passionate about. Make sure you have the basics in place (i.e.emergency fund, investments, and on track for retirement). When these things are in place, it allows you to sustainable give more.
If you cannot afford to give financially, think about giving your time. Giving your time can bring you closer to a cause you are passionate about. The bottom line is to give what you can and work hard to be in a situation to give more.
Randall Avery
Financial Advisor │ Author │ Public Speaker
R.S.A. Deasil Advisors, LLC
Office: 531-333-2745
Email: Deasil@rsadeasil.com
Website: www.rsadeasil.com
P.S. If you would like me to speak at your next event, please click HERE
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While working with clients, Randall realized there was a missing process that individuals were not performing when choosing to use their money. Motivated to fill this gap, Randall developed three models to ‘Hack The System’ and allow individuals to Create Your Own System (CYOS). Randall hopes effectively using these models will help individuals identify the best moral and ethical use of their money.
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