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As the daughter of an accountant, Linzy Bonham inherited a good dose of bookkeeping brain. Linzy is half therapist, half bookkeeper. So when she went into private practice, she dug right into all the ways to build a healthy business that pays for her life and always has extra money in the bank.
Before starting her private practice, Linzy worked in an agency with a very difficult work environment, supporting women who had been impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault – which should have been the hardest thing about work – but it was actually the people politics and toxic culture that made the job difficult. All the counselors in the organization were underpaid and unappreciated, while the work was heavy, competitive and high stakes, so many of the counselors were experiencing the vicarious trauma that comes from supporting people who have been deeply harmed and are sometimes still in danger.
As a social worker, she witnessed her peers avoid starting a private practice business because of fears around money and a lack of financial skills. With her accounting background, and being emotionally intelligent, Linzy saw an unique opportunity to use her personal strength to find an outlet that was more fulfilling for her and help her colleagues learn and change their approach to finances.
Linzy gave herself a do-or-die moment, where she quit her job, and had no choice but to figure out how to start her own business, Money Nuts & Bolts. It was the best professional decision and the happiest she’d ever been. Linzy was instantly more confident for taking a chance on herself. Even though she didn’t have it all figured out yet, she could focus on the work she really wanted to do, in the way she wanted to do it, without having to deal with negativity and low pay that had been undermining her and keeping her small.
Linzy took her career into her own hands and quickly found that with her own practice, she could build an environment that actually took care of herself and others. Her signature course, Money Skills For Therapists has helped hundreds of therapists in (or about to start) private practice get their finances in order and change their relationship with money.
She also helps other health professionals like speech language pathologists, dietitians, acupuncturists and physician therapists. As well as an upcoming group practice course on the horizon.
If you are interested in Money Skills for Therapists, this is the invitation to watch my Free Masterclass where I teach the 4-Step Framework To Get Your Business Finances Totally In Order.
Our Free Workbook ” Six Simple Steps to Six Weeks Vacation”, this guide will walk you through, step-by-step, exactly how to figure out your own Paid Time Off and vacation goals, and how to set up a system to make those goals a reality.
[sh_btn link=”https://calendly.com/deasil/15min” target=”_blank” shape=”squareRounded” style=”dimension” size=”extralarge” color=”rgb(27, 54, 156)” bordercolor=”rgb(11, 0, 0)” bordersize=”0″ fontcolor=”rgb(248, 247, 247)” enablehover=”enable” enableicon=”enable” iconbg=”square” iconset=”fontawesome” iconfa=” fa fa-calendar”]Schedule Your 15 min Consultation Now![/sh_btn]Randall Avery, CFP® CFA
Financial Planner │ Author │ Public Speaker
R.S.A. Deasil Advisors, LLC
Office: 531-333-2745
Email: Deasil@rsadeasil.com
Website: www.rsadeasil.com
P.S. If you would like me to speak at your next event, please click HERE
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While working with clients, Randall realized there was a missing process that individuals were not performing when choosing to use their money. Motivated to fill this gap, Randall developed three models to ‘Hack The System’ and allow individuals to Create Your Own System (CYOS). Randall hopes effectively using these models will help individuals identify the best moral and ethical use of their money.
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