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Paying Estimated State Taxes in Georgia
Most individuals file their state and federal taxes at the same time. When you have an employer, who withholds both state and federal taxes, it is easy to think tax payments go to the same place, and the calculations are the same. The differences between federal and state taxes become more apparent when you must submit your estimated payments to your state of residence and the IRS.
When residents of the state of Georgia make estimated tax payments, those payments have to be made to both the IRS and the Georgia Department of Revenue. I have already done an article on how to make your estimated federal taxes (CLICK HERE). This article will focus on how to submit your state estimated taxes to the Georgia Department of Revenue if you are a single-member Limited Liability Company.
The Georgia Department of Revenue has adopted a website called Georgia Tax Center (GTC).
Website – https://gtc.dor.ga.gov/_/
GTC is used for electronic filing and paying of Sales and Use Tax and Withholding Income.
Benefits of Utilizing the GTC System
- Manage tax accounts
- View letters and current balance
- Add and change names and addresses
- Check the status of your refund
Below are the steps you can use to submit your estimated tax payments.
Create an Account
- Click this link – https://gtc.dor.ga.gov/_/
- Click the ‘Sign up for Online Access’ link (Below the Logon Box)
- Select Individual Income Tax
- Insert Social Security Number and Estimated Adjusted Gross Income
- Follow the prompts to create an account
When you have an account, follow the video below to submit your estimated tax payments.
Video – https://dor.georgia.gov/how-make-quick-payment-individual-video
I hope the information above is helpful in managing your tax liability with the state of Georgia. If you would like to learn different ways to reduce your tax bill by investing for your retirement, please use the link below..
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Financial Advisor │ Author │ Public Speaker
R.S.A. Deasil Advisors, LLC
Office: 531-333-2745
Email: Deasil@rsadeasil.com
Website: www.rsadeasil.com
P.S. If you would like me to speak at your next event, please click HERE
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